Thursday, January 12, 2017

Bad Dreams

Bad Dreams
Feeling a little stronger this morning after a good night's rest. I'm pretty much over that flu, by the way, if anyone cares. And I've still not gone to the clinic to analyze my CT scan results because they indicated that there was nothing seriously wrong with me. I'm just a typical man experiencing typical problems heading into my middle age. My body is breaking down normally over the outrageous lengths of time it is taking for me to have any real justice in the face of so many corporate violations of my work and my image.

I'm trying to figure out what kind of message broadcasters are trying to send their subscribers by dismissing my existence after so many stars were made out of my music and comedy. I can only gather that they want us to have no hope. Supporting rich stars against a poor fraud victim seems totally immoral to me, but they are too amoral to dwell on such points. It even looks to me like some stardom chasers are getting ahead by tacitly glorifying the dirty crime of music fraud with their band's name or lyrics. How utterly depressing.

Did Blue Rodeo make a lot of money in the last ten years from the songs they stole out of my YouTube account in 2007, the songs I heard playing on the radio and went online to complain about? Did they make a lot of money from my work after I went on Blogger in 2007 and told everyone that they ripped me off? If so, then I guess they have something in common with Nickleback and the Shards and Jay Leno and Saturday Night Live and all the other stars I went online to complain about for every day of the year 2007. I could sure use a little money, myself. But no one wants to pay me for my work, they only want to pay rich stars to steal it from me and lie to children with it.

Last night I had a look at some of my old essays from 2004. In one on women I said that I had not been on a woman for over a year. Since then, by sharing my music and poetry and comedy on Blogger and YouTube, I have not been on a woman for over thirteen years. In another I praise some of my favorite TV shows of the time: The Trailer Park Boys, The Simpsons, The Daily Show, and Saturday Night Live. When I praised these stars they took it as permission to steal my work. They also intended to use my praise to indicate my 'guilt' should any dispute arise over my work's ownership. I guess this is the only kind of star who gets any support from the broadcasting business now because broadcasters have known about me for over twenty years and I haven't budged an inch in all that time. So when you dream of becoming a star, don't forget to dream about being a fraud. At least then your dream will have some foundation in reality.

1:47pm: I'm seeing double after linking up all those scores of violations of my music to their corresponding web pages in my account. What a way to make me spend twenty percent of my life! You mustn't want to be a star who produces his own work like me. The price is too high for that. But if you want to lie to children with music and cartoons and poetry, you'll get a very easy ride to the top and the broadcasters will stand by you against your fraud victim to the very bitter end. I must go home and rest now, but don't forget what Google says and don't be evil. If you are evil, you must get all the corporations like Google to lower our public moral standards with their broadcasting influence until your evil becomes 'good'.
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© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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